Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Robertson Trinity...Panaewa Style

I busted "Bulla" being adorable....before the game.

Tristan Haskell being serious as always.
Robert Harrington and Scotty the house!
Yeah, Robert is #3, don't forget it....=)
The Robertson "trinity"...Tristan hikes, Robert receives and Scotty Boy flanking...
The trinity again, Robert with the ball Tristan on the left and Scotty Boy leading the defensive charge!!!
Mom and daughter Harrington...Linn and Chels
Okay, so while we were all watching the older boys, we didn't know that Taulai's game was going on....poor guy, playing his heart out, with no fans!
Victoria enduring was a great day, no wins, but a lot of family LOVE!